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جستجوهای پرتکرار

میتونی لایو بذاری!

A student investigated the hydrolysis of the lipid in high-fat milk, using the enzyme lipase.

• $1\,C{m^3}$ of enzyme solution was added to $10\,C{m^3}$ of high-fat milk.
• The temperature was kept constant.
• The pH of the reaction mixture was recorded at time 0 minutes and every minute for 20 minutes.

Which statements could be supported by the results of the investigation?

1) Less product is made as time proceeds because the substrate is decreasing.
2) The pH of the reaction mixture changes more rapidly in the first few minutes and then changes less rapidly.
3) The product gradually causes more lipase molecules to denature.

1 ) 

1, 2 and 3

2 ) 

1 and 2 only

3 ) 

1 and 3 only

4 ) 

2 and 3 only

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