SCIENCE 0846,01 April 2019 | Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Past Papers with Mark Schemes
Primary Checkpoint
معلم موافق رایگان بودن است.
The exam covers scientific principles including human senses, reversible and irreversible changes, air resistance, organ functions, sound waves, and skeletal systems. Topics include recycling practices, material properties, seed germination, shadow formation, desalination processes, food chains, Earth-Sun relationships, and forces in investigations. Emphasis is placed on experimental design, data interpretation, and application of physics, biology, and chemistry concepts. Skills tested involve hypothesis generation, recognizing environmental impacts, understanding evaporation, analyzing plant physiology, and material classification. Keywords: human biology, air resistance, recycling, material properties, germination, shadows, desalination, food chains, evaporation, forces, environmental impact, Earth rotation.
پیش نمایش صفحه اول فایل
تعداد صفحات فایل : 20
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