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 Science(1113) 1403/09/14

SCIENCE 1113,01 October 2020 | Cambridge Lower secondary Checkpoint Past Papers with Mark Schemes

CIE Lower Secondary Checkpoint Science(1113) Oct 2020

The exam assesses biology, chemistry, and physics concepts, including photosynthesis, sound waves, and rock formation. Key topics explore food webs, metal reactivity, light behavior through prisms and filters, and thermal regulation in animals. Investigations examine reaction rates, energy loss, electrical circuits, and motion on slopes. Practical applications evaluate atom structure, gaseous exchange, and heat retention using grouped objects. Questions emphasize experimental design, data analysis, and understanding natural processes and material properties. Keywords: biology, chemistry, physics, STEM education, photosynthesis, food web, metal reactivity, sound waves, thermal regulation, reaction rates, experimental science.

باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.

SCIENCE 1113,01 October 2020 | Cambridge Lower secondary Checkpoint Past Papers with Mark Schemes
پیش نمایش صفحه اول فایل
تعداد صفحات فایل : 20

باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.

نوع آزمون : Paper 1
بازدید : 8
ثبت شده در 1403/09/14