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 English (1111) 1403/09/19

ENGLISH 1111,02 October 2019 | Cambridge Lower secondary Checkpoint Past Papers with Mark Schemes

CIE Lower Secondary Checkpoint English (1111) Oct 2019

معلم موافق رایگان بودن است.

The exam focuses on narrative analysis and reflective writing. Section A analyzes themes of familial bonds, emotions, and cultural elements, emphasizing language techniques, character impressions, and narrative structure. It explores the portrayal of Nanima and the dynamics of her arrival through textual details, figurative language, and the emotional responses of other characters. Section B involves writing a personal reflection on meeting someone impactful, focusing on vivid descriptions, emotional engagement, and narrative coherence. Keywords: narrative analysis, family dynamics, cultural elements, character impressions, language techniques, reflective writing, personal reflection, vivid descriptions, emotional engagement.

باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.

ENGLISH 1111,02 October 2019 | Cambridge Lower secondary Checkpoint Past Papers with Mark Schemes
پیش نمایش صفحه اول فایل
تعداد صفحات فایل : 8

باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.

نوع آزمون : Paper 2
بازدید : 6
ثبت شده در 1403/09/19