Biology 9700/11 Oct Nov 2023 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Analysis of viral sizes and resolution limits of light versus electron microscopy for visualizing Pandoravirus and Mimivirus.
2. Structural and functional relationships in cellular organelles, including Golgi bodies, lysosomes, and chloroplasts.
3. Identification of DNA transcription and translation processes, emphasizing the role of RNA polymerase and primary transcript formation.
4. Impacts of enzyme inhibitors, substrate saturation, and factors affecting enzyme-catalyzed reaction rates.
5. Mechanisms of water movement in plant cells, including symplast and apoplast pathways, and adaptations in xerophytic leaves for water conservation.
6. Oxygen dissociation curve shifts due to 2,3-DPG, Bohr effect implications, and effects on oxygen transport in blood storage.
7. B-lymphocyte responses, including antigen binding, memory cell formation, and antibody secretion, as part of adaptive immunity.
8. Antibiotic resistance trends in bacteria linked to overuse, treatment guidelines, and implications for infection control.
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