Biology 9700/43 Oct Nov 2023 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Photosynthesis processes and structures in chloroplasts, including roles of grana, stroma, and products like glucose and oxygen.
2. Biodiversity measurements at genetic, species, and ecosystem levels, highlighting the significance of genetic variation for species conservation.
3. Population genetics using Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, applied to flower color alleles in Ipomoea species.
4. Stomatal responses to CO₂ levels and abscisic acid, and their roles in water conservation under climate stress.
5. Use of recombinant DNA technology to develop pest-resistant GM potato varieties for improved crop yields.
6. Comparative study of anaerobic respiration in mammals and yeast, focusing on fermentation pathways and ATP production.
7. Evolution and speciation processes in green lacewings, exploring natural selection and reproductive isolation mechanisms.
8. Applications of genetic technologies in medicine, including gene therapy, CRISPR, and monoclonal antibodies for treating genetic and infectious diseases.

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