Economics 9708/42 March 2024 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
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1. Analyze the causes of rising electricity prices in France, considering global gas shortages and nuclear power plant closures, and assess whether this constitutes market failure.
2. Evaluate the French government’s policies, such as price caps and tax cuts, in increasing competition and efficiency in the energy market.
3. Differentiate between equality and equity, and discuss how the government’s actions on electricity pricing impact these concepts for consumers and producers.
4. Assess government interventions in the price mechanism to address climate change, using a diagram to illustrate effectiveness.
5. Evaluate the impact of trade unions in a perfectly competitive labor market, considering their effects on wage levels and unemployment, supported by a diagram.
6. Discuss whether globalization drives economic growth in high-income economies and automatically improves living standards, evaluating potential limitations.

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