Accounting 9706/02 Oct Nov 2003 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Club financial management: Calculation of Gala Golf Club’s Accumulated Fund, preparation of Café Trading Account, and Club Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 December 2002.
2. Partnership dissolution and asset realization: Preparation of Dissolution Account, Partners’ Current and Capital Accounts, and Bank Account for Dougal and Florence's partnership dissolution, with realization of assets and payment of liabilities.
3. Overhead allocation and cost analysis: Preparation of overhead analysis sheet for Darnick Holdalls Ltd, calculation of overhead recovery rates for cutting and stitching departments, and determination of total unit cost for a Medium case based on production data.
4. Budgeting and cost allocation: Allocation of maintenance and canteen costs to production departments, analysis of floor area usage, and calculation of costs based on direct wages and machine hours to assess overhead distribution efficiency.
5. Production cost structure and pricing: Evaluation of unit prime costs, direct materials, and labour costs in the cutting and stitching departments, and analysis of selling prices to ensure profitability of product lines.

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