Accounting 9706/04 May June 2008 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Partnership adjustments and financial revaluation: Preparation of capital and current accounts for Ahmed, Bola, and Chaudhry, including adjustments for new partnership agreement terms, asset revaluation, and goodwill.
2. Manufacturing account and cost analysis: Calculation of manufacturing account for Helen Tong, including factory overheads, direct wages, and manufacturing royalties. Evaluation of cost versus purchase from external suppliers.
3. Trading account and unrealized profit provision: Preparation of trading account and provision for unrealized profit account for Helen Tong, including transfer prices and adjustments for finished goods inventory.
4. Margin of safety and break-even analysis: Calculation of margin of safety in units and value of goods transferred at break-even level for Helen Tong's desk manufacturing.
5. Budget preparation and cash flow management: Preparation of cash budget and forecast trading account for Notlimah Ltd, including sales, materials, wages, and overheads. Analysis of cash deficit measures and cash flow versus budget differences.
6. Variance analysis and cost control: Calculation of material and labour variances for Namllih Ltd, evaluation of investment in machinery, and advice on machine selection based on NPV and IRR calculations.

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