Accounting 9706/31 Oct Nov 2009 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Partnership adjustments and goodwill valuation: Calculation of partner's withdrawal amount upon retirement, based on agreed goodwill revaluation and capital account balances.
2. Financial statement analysis and debenture redemption: Calculation of net cash flow from operating activities, impact of redeeming debentures at a premium, and implications for share capital and retained earnings.
3. Business acquisition and goodwill calculation: Determination of goodwill in business purchases, calculation of purchase price based on net tangible assets, and effects of negative goodwill.
4. Capital structure and shareholder equity: Adjustments to share capital and profit and loss account post-share buyback, calculation of dividend cover, and analysis of gearing level impacts on financial health.
5. Costing methods and profitability analysis: Determination of initial plant cost for capitalization, prioritization of product manufacturing based on available labour for maximum profit, and evaluation of relevant costs in business unit closure.
6. Budgeting and variance analysis: Preparation of budgets based on key factors, analysis of material usage and price variances, calculation of standard overhead cost per unit, and total variance analysis in production efficiency and cost management.

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