Accounting 9706/41 May June 2010 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Partnership balance sheet for Aneeqa and Emilita at the start of business, incorporating goodwill adjustments and provisions for doubtful debts.
2. Income calculation for partners post-formation, reflecting salary, interest on capital, and profit-sharing adjustments.
3. Determination of income benefit for Emilita in terms of job security, supported by financial ratios including current ratio and return on capital employed.
4. Manufacturing account for Pakenham Ltd, including prime cost and allocation of factory overheads based on usage and floor space.
5. Inclusion of provision for unrealized profit in inventory valuation for balance sheet reporting.
6. Calculation of cost of inventory for Joy Locke, considering painting labor, faulty items, and sale-or-return transactions.
7. Net present value computation for Project A, evaluating its financial viability against Project B using discounted cash flow analysis.
8. Recommendation for project selection, based on comparative net present value, accounting rate of return, and payback period.
9. Financial statement adjustments for inventory and equipment valuation to ensure compliance with IAS standards.
10. Comparative analysis of inventory valuation methods’ impact on operating profit, highlighting marginal and absorption costing differences.

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