Biology 9700,42 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Kidney Function & Homeostasis | Structure and function of the Bowman’s capsule, conditions for ultrafiltration, composition changes in glomerular filtrate and urine, and responses to dehydration.
2. Population Genetics & Evolution | Factors affecting allele frequencies, natural selection, genetic drift, selective breeding in crops, and artificial selection for desirable traits.
3. Genetic Engineering & Gene Therapy | Definition and applications of genetic engineering, gene therapy for Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA), advantages of the eye for gene therapy, and CRISPR/Cas9 as a gene editing tool.
4. Genetics & Inheritance Patterns | Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, Mendelian ratios, linkage and recombination, and the effects of mutations on phenotypic expression.
5. Variation & Statistical Analysis | Differences between discontinuous and continuous variation, analysis of vitamin D levels, use of the t-test for statistical comparison, and interpretation of results.
6. Respiration & Metabolism | Role of DCPIP as a redox indicator, effect of temperature on yeast respiration, and factors affecting enzyme activity in metabolic processes.
7. Photosynthesis & Biochemistry | Identification of chloroplast pigments using chromatography, role of carotenoids, and the biochemical processes of the light-independent stage.
8. Neurobiology & Muscle Contraction | Structure of motor neurons, events in muscle contraction, effects of neuromuscular disorders like Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS).
9. Conservation Biology | Threats to the red ruffed lemur, captive breeding programs, genetic diversity, and the challenges of reintroduction into the wild.
10. Homeostasis & Metabolic Disorders | Regulation of blood glucose, impact of mutations in glycogen metabolism (GSDVI & GSD0), effects of glucagon signaling defects, and metabolic consequences of glycogen storage diseases.
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