Biology 9700,36 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Protein Precipitation and Acid Concentration | Preparation of hydrochloric acid dilutions, observation of protein precipitation, and recording qualitative data using a standardized key.
2. Experimental Accuracy and Error Reduction | Identifying sources of error in volume measurements, systematic vs. random errors, and modifications to improve experimental reliability.
3. Graphical and Quantitative Analysis | Construction of bar charts for protein concentration data, calculation of globulin concentration using percentage values, and applying appropriate significant figures.
4. Microscopy and Starch Grain Analysis | Preparation of microscope slides, identification of starch grains, drawing detailed illustrations, and comparing structural differences between plant samples.
5. Staining Techniques and Measurements | Identification of starch using iodine staining, measuring leaf section width using an eyepiece graticule, and recording observable differences in plant tissue sections.
6. Practical Applications of Biology Techniques | Handling biological samples, microscope-based identification, and interpretation of histological and anatomical structures for comparative analysis.
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