Biology 9700,13 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Microscopy & Measurement | Calibrating Eyepiece Graticules and Xylem Vessel Width – Understanding the process of measuring microscopic structures, converting units, and using stage micrometers for calibration.
2. Cell Structure & Function | Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic, and Specialized Organelles – Identifying structures unique to human and plant cells, differentiating between ribosomes, plasmodesmata, and tonoplasts.
3. Macromolecules & Biochemistry | Lipids, Proteins, and Enzyme Structure – Analyzing triglyceride hydrolysis, protein structure in hemoglobin and enzymes, and enzyme inhibition mechanisms.
4. Gas Exchange & Respiration | Oxygen Transport and Carbon Dioxide Dissociation – Examining hemoglobin oxygen saturation curves, ventilation mechanisms, and structural adaptations in the respiratory system.
5. Transport in Plants | Phloem, Xylem, and Root Structure – Understanding water and nutrient movement, roles of the Casparian strip, and transport processes in sieve tube elements.
6. Circulatory System & Heart Function | Blood Vessel Structure and Tissue Fluid Formation – Distinguishing between arteries, veins, and capillaries, explaining heart contraction sequences, and factors influencing blood pressure.
7. Genetics & Molecular Biology | DNA Replication, RNA Processing, and Genetic Coding – Identifying nucleotides, anticodons, template strands, and processes like transcription and polymerization.
8. Immunology & Disease Control | Vaccination, T-Lymphocyte Function, and Pathogen Defense – Understanding immune response mechanisms, phagocytosis, antibody production, and vaccination strategies for disease eradication.

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