Biology 9700,11 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Cell Structure & Function | Organelles in animal, plant, and prokaryotic cells, roles of nucleoli in protein synthesis, density gradient centrifugation, and nucleic acids in cell structures.
2. Protein Synthesis & Secretion | Sequence of transcription, translation, modification in Golgi, and vesicle transport, structure of double-membrane organelles.
3. Carbohydrates & Lipids | Polysaccharide structure, triglyceride hydrolysis, cellulose hydrogen bonding, and biochemical tests for macromolecules.
4. Protein & Enzyme Structure | Amino acid interactions, enzyme activity in varying pH, competitive vs. non-competitive inhibition, and Michaelis-Menten kinetics.
5. Cell Membranes & Transport | Phospholipid bilayer structure, osmosis and water potential gradients, permeability changes due to temperature and solvents.
6. Cell Division & Genetic Material | Mitosis stages, roles of mitotic structures, chromosomal number changes during the cell cycle, and mutation effects on proteins.
7. Respiration & Circulatory System | Oxygen dissociation curves, Bohr effect, heart conduction system, and capillary exchange mechanisms.
8. Plant Transport & Adaptations | Xylem adaptations, phloem transport mechanisms, sucrose movement, and leaf vascular structure.
9. Gas Exchange & Immunology | Tracheal and alveolar tissue composition, cilia function, penicillin effects on bacteria, cholera transmission, and immune responses.
10. Vaccination & Immune Memory | Role of memory cells, mutation-driven influenza vaccine updates, and mechanisms of secondary immune responses.

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