Economics 9708,43 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Market Dominance and Pricing Strategies | Differences between limit pricing and predatory pricing, evidence of these strategies in large technology firms, and their economic impact.
2. Macroeconomic Effects of Large Firms | Positive effects on the macroeconomy due to the growth of major technology companies, including investment, employment, and innovation.
3. Negative Impacts of Firm Growth | Analysis of consumer harm, competition reduction, and economic inequality caused by the dominance of large firms, supported by economic theory.
4. Market Failure and Indirect Taxation | Diagrammatic assessment of how indirect taxation addresses negative externalities in production and its effectiveness in correcting market failure.
5. Labour Market Structures and Wages | Comparison of wages in perfectly competitive and monopsony labour markets using diagrams and evaluation of the wage-setting mechanisms.
6. Monetary Policy and Inflation Control | Evaluation of the central bank’s ability to control inflation through money supply regulation and the effectiveness of monetary policy tools.

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