Mathematics 9709,43 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Work and Energy in Motion | Determining the mass of an athlete given the work done in increasing speed against resistance over a fixed distance.
2. Equilibrium of Forces | Finding the magnitude and direction of an additional force required to balance a system of coplanar forces.
3. Power and Acceleration of a Car | Calculating engine power required for constant speed uphill and determining acceleration when power is reduced.
4. Collisions and Kinetic Energy Loss | Computing the maximum kinetic energy lost in a collision between two masses on a smooth horizontal plane.
5. Tension and Friction in Motion | Finding the tension required to move a mass on a rough plane and recalculating for a given acceleration.
6. Velocity-Time Graph and Motion Analysis | Sketching a velocity-time graph, finding velocity expressions, and computing total distance traveled.
7. Connected Particles and Vertical Motion | Calculating string tension and time for a particle to reach the ground, then determining duration at a certain height.

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