Mathematics 9709,33 2024 Oct Nov | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Complex Numbers and Loci | Sketching the loci of points satisfying modulus and argument conditions and their transformations.
2. Iterative Methods and Root Approximation | Using an iterative formula to approximate a root of a cubic equation to two decimal places.
3. Exponential Growth and Logarithmic Graphs | Determining constants from a given logarithmic graph and finding the time required for population doubling.
4. Vectors and Geometry in 3D | Finding intersection points of lines, calculating angles between lines, and computing the area of a triangle formed by three points.
5. Differential Equations and Fluid Dynamics | Setting up and solving a differential equation modeling water depth in a tank and computing time to reach a given depth.
6. Calculus and Definite Integrals | Finding a critical point of a trigonometric function and determining the exact area of a bounded region using integration.

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