Mathematics 9709,31 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Polynomial Factorization & Remainders | Finding Unknown Coefficients – Using the factor and remainder theorems to determine the values of unknown coefficients in a polynomial.
2. Implicit Differentiation & Gradient Calculation | Logarithmic Function Derivatives – Differentiating an implicitly defined function and calculating the gradient at a specific point.
3. Trigonometric Identities & Equation Solving | Secant & Tangent Transformations – Proving trigonometric identities and solving equations within a specified range.
4. Root Approximation & Iterative Methods | Exponential & Logarithmic Equations – Confirming the existence of a root graphically, estimating its location, and refining the root using iteration.
5. Partial Fractions & Series Expansion | Rational Function Decomposition – Expressing a rational function in partial fractions and determining coefficients in its series expansion.
6. Vectors & Line Equations | Intersection & Direction Angles – Finding vector equations of lines, determining intersection conditions, and calculating angles between directions.

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