Physics 9702,41 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Gravitation & Orbits: Newton’s law of gravitation, satellite motion equations, determining constants from orbital data, and graphical analysis of orbital height vs. period.
2. Thermal Physics & Specific Heat Capacity: Defining specific heat capacity, analyzing temperature variation in thermal equilibrium, calculating heat capacity using given mass ratios.
3. Kinetic Theory & Ideal Gases: Avogadro’s constant, relationships between Boltzmann and molar gas constants, gas law calculations for pressure, internal energy, and molecular speeds.
4. Simple Harmonic Motion & Oscillations: Definition of SHM, interpreting velocity-height graphs, calculating amplitude, angular frequency, period, and sketching displacement-time graphs.
5. Electric Fields & Potential: Relationship between electric field and potential, explaining why total electric field and potential cannot be zero simultaneously, and deriving expressions for electric fields of point charges.
6. Electromagnetic Induction & Rectification: Differences between half-wave and full-wave rectification, circuit diagrams for rectifiers, capacitance calculations, and determining resistance in rectified circuits.

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