Physics 9702,21 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Mechanics & Motion: Calculation of density with uncertainty analysis, momentum and kinetic energy calculations for a moving car, sketching acceleration-time graphs, and determining distance traveled from a momentum-time graph.
2. Work, Energy & Power: Deriving gravitational potential energy, efficiency calculation of an electric motor, work-energy principles, and electrical power dissipation in resistive components.
3. Materials & Properties: Definition and graphical representation of Young’s modulus, interpretation of stress-strain relationships, and comparison of material behavior based on modulus and cross-sectional area.
4. Nuclear Physics & Radioactivity: Beta decay equation balancing, classification of emitted particles, quark composition of an alpha particle, and particle physics concepts.
5. Waves & Interference: Microwave interference from two coherent sources, path difference calculations, intensity maxima and minima positions, and double-slit interference analysis.
6. Electricity & Circuits: Calculating current, resistance in series and parallel, verifying Ohm’s law, analyzing the effects of internal resistance, and predicting voltage changes in circuit configurations.

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