Accounting 9706/23 May June 2011 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Adjustments to the draft balance sheet for Marshall Klingsman, including inventory valuation changes, depreciation on equipment and motor vehicles, and bad debt write-offs.
2. Calculation of corrected net profit after incorporating omitted loan interest and misclassified repairs.
3. Ratios for liquidity analysis, including current ratio and liquid ratio, to assess financial health.
4. Comparison of cost and net realizable value in inventory valuation, with treatment of damaged goods under prudence principle.
5. Appropriation account for Robbie and Liza, covering salary, interest on capital, interest on drawings, and profit-sharing based on capital ratios.
6. Bank reconciliation for discrepancies between cash book and bank statement, resolving issues like bank charges, returned cheques, and uncredited deposits.
7. Cost analysis for City Centre Car Wash, calculating total operating costs, average cost per car wash, and break-even point, with profit margin adjustments.
8. Contribution analysis for Suburban Car Wash, determining break-even point, total profit, and margin of safety under different operating capacities.

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