Accounting 9706,11 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Accounting Principles & Financial Statements | Recognition of sales based on the realization concept, classification of capital and revenue reserves, and treatment of revalued assets.
2. Financial Transactions & Controls | Impact of installment payments on liquidity, journal entries for asset disposals, and suspense account adjustments.
3. Bank Reconciliation & Control Accounts | Calculation of bank statement balances, sources for sales ledger control accounts, and revised purchases ledger control balances.
4. Profit & Capital Adjustments | Gross profit determination, partnership profit sharing, interest on drawings and capital, and adjustments for irrecoverable debts.
5. Costing & Inventory Valuation | AVCO inventory valuation, absorption costing applications, overhead allocation in cost centers, and fixed vs. variable cost behavior.
6. Break-even & Decision Making | Cost-volume-profit analysis, effect of new machinery on variable costs, changes in break-even sales volume, and cost apportionment for budgeting.

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