Accounting 9706,13 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Accounting Principles & Financial Statements | Materiality & Depreciation Concepts – Understanding material errors, depreciation principles, and the effect of misclassification on financial statements.
2. Non-Current Assets & Revaluation | Asset Valuation & Ledger Adjustments – Recording revaluations, calculating depreciation, and analyzing asset disposal impacts on financial statements.
3. Control Accounts & Ledger Corrections | Sales Ledger Balancing & Adjustments – Identifying errors in control accounts, adjusting ledger entries, and reconciling discrepancies.
4. Partnership Accounting & Capital Adjustments | Interest on Capital & Profit Appropriation – Calculating capital account interest, determining profit shares, and recording partner transactions.
5. Inventory & Costing Methods | Just-In-Time & Overhead Allocation – Evaluating JIT advantages, job costing system principles, and production cost calculations.
6. Break-Even Analysis & Cost-Volume-Profit | Pricing Decisions & Fixed Cost Coverage – Understanding contribution margin, determining profit impacts of pricing changes, and analyzing breakeven scenarios.

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