Accounting 9706/33 May June 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Preparation and interpretation of financial statements for not-for-profit organizations, including income and expenditure accounts and capitalizing donations.
2. Evaluation of joint ventures, including profit-sharing, inventory valuation, and reconciliation of balances between partners.
3. Depreciation and disposal of non-current assets, with emphasis on different depreciation methods (straight-line, reducing balance) and compliance with International Accounting Standards.
4. Calculation and analysis of financial ratios for investment decisions, including income gearing, price earnings ratio, and dividend yield.
5. Cost accounting methods, including activity-based costing versus absorption costing, and their impact on product pricing and overhead allocation.
6. Investment appraisal techniques, including payback period and net present value (NPV), applied to machine replacement decisions.

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