Accounting 9706/31 Oct Nov 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Income and expenditure account for a club: Calculation of income from subscriptions and CD sales, assessment of payments, and preparation of the club's financial statements.
2. Financial performance and cash flow analysis: Preparation of cash flow statement for Hank Limited, evaluation of cash position, and analysis of non-current asset changes and liabilities.
3. Comparative financial analysis: Calculation of financial ratios for Alpha plc, comparison with Beta plc, and analysis of investment potential based on earnings per share, dividend yield, and market value.
4. Rights issue and equity changes: Explanation of rights issue, preparation of statement of changes in equity for Scrumpton plc, and treatment of proposed dividends in financial statements.
5. Variance analysis and profit evaluation: Calculation of material and labour variances for Billyjo’s product, reasons for variances, and recommendation for performance improvement based on profit analysis.
6. Investment appraisal and decision-making: Calculation of net cash flows and net present value (NPV) for Product X, comparison with Product Y’s NPV, and evaluation of investment using NPV, payback method, and non-financial factors.

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