Accounting 9706/22 March 2017 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Financial accounting and bank reconciliation: Preparation of cash account, identification of Razia's drawings, and calculation of stolen inventory value.
2. Income statement preparation and ratio analysis: Construction of income statement, calculation of current and liquid ratios, and evaluation of business liquidity using additional ratios.
3. Provision for doubtful debts and accounting concepts: Reasons for creating provisions, accounting concepts applied, and treatment in financial statements.
4. Depreciation and non-current asset management: Calculation of depreciation for buildings and machinery, preparation of statement of financial position, and identification of depreciation causes.
5. Costing methods and inventory valuation: Explanation of cost unit versus cost centre, preparation of profit statements using marginal and absorption costing, and reconciliation of profit differences.
6. Costing system selection: Calculation of production overhead absorption rate, evaluation of marginal versus absorption costing, and advice on the costing system change with supporting reasons.

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