Accounting 9706/22 May June 2017 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Income statement preparation: Calculation of revenue, cost of sales, and various expenses for B Limited. Current assets section for financial position and justification for depreciation provision on non-current assets.
2. Financial ratios and loan advice: Calculation of current ratio, liquid ratio, inventory turnover rate, and evaluation of Wiggins' decision to take a bank loan based on financial ratios.
3. Partnership provisions and adjustments: Provisions in absence of a partnership agreement, capital accounts preparation for Amit's retirement, and advice on early loan repayment request by Amit.
4. Marginal cost analysis and proposals: Marginal cost income statement for FPL Limited, break-even analysis, and evaluation of two proposals to increase profit. Recommendation based on financial calculations and discussion of benefits and drawbacks.
5. Budget preparation advantages and disadvantages: Identification of advantages and disadvantages of budget preparation systems in financial management.

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