Accounting 9706/32 March 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Manufacturing and inventory valuation: Preparation of manufacturing account, inventory valuation, accounting concepts for unrealised profit, and analysis of profit impact without provision for unrealised profit.
2. Joint venture accounting: Calculation of profit/loss from joint venture, preparation of joint venture accounts for both partners, and evaluation of partnership formation with financial calculations.
3. Business acquisition: Operating expenses calculation, additional profit analysis post-acquisition, preparation of statement of financial position post-acquisition, and non-financial evaluation of the acquisition.
4. Corporate governance and financial statements: Roles of shareholders vs. directors, reasons for not requiring audits in sole proprietorships, preparation of adjusted profit, and evaluation of the completeness of audited financial statements for loan purposes.
5. Budgetary control and labour variances: Labour budget preparation, analysis of adverse labour variances causes, and advice on concerns related to labour variances.
6. Investment appraisal methods: Comparison of NPV and payback period, calculation of payback period, NPV, average rate of return for different machines, and recommendation on machine purchase based on financial analysis.
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