Accounting 9706/21 May June 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Partnership financials: Preparation of income statement, profit and loss appropriation account, partners' current accounts, and calculation of bank settlement on retirement for Ashir, Bo, and Chan.
2. Motor vehicle depreciation: Ledger accounts for motor vehicles, provision for depreciation, disposal of non-current assets, and analysis of profit impact using different depreciation methods.
3. Customer analysis using ratios: Calculation of current ratio, liquid ratio, inventory turnover rate, and advising on customer selection based on payment promptness.
4. Costing and profitability: Calculation of budgeted variable cost, total contribution, production cost, and profit under absorption costing for Zinan’s manufacturing operations.
5. Decision-making for surplus production: Calculation of profit impact from marketing campaign for surplus units, and advice on proceeding with the campaign considering financial and non-financial factors.

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