Accounting 9706/32 May June 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Working capital and sales strategies: Calculation of working capital cycle, impact of increasing selling price with cash discounts, and advice on sales strategy change for YGP Traders Limited.
2. Financial statements and depreciation: Preparation of N plc's income statement, calculation of revaluation reserve, and treatment of uninsured asset loss in financial statements.
3. Consignment accounting: Cost per unit valuation, preparation of consignment and Mahood’s account, and advice on opening a branch versus consignment agreement.
4. Partnership merger: Preparation of opening statement of financial position post-merger, discussion of financial and non-financial benefits and limitations of the merger for partners.
5. Investment appraisal: Calculation of NPV based on different sales proceed estimates, determination of sales proceeds for zero NPV, and comparison of NPV versus payback period for investment decision-making.
6. Variance analysis in production: Calculation of direct material price, usage, direct labour rate, efficiency, fixed overhead variances, and reconciliation of budgeted with actual production costs for C Limited. Advice on the impact of using higher quality materials and increasing selling price.

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