Accounting 9706/12 Oct Nov 2018 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Accounting principles and depreciation: Application of the money measurement concept, selection of revaluation method for asset depreciation, calculation of depreciation charges, and determination of profit or loss on asset disposal.
2. Control accounts and financial adjustments: Calculating purchases ledger control account balances, correcting bank reconciliation discrepancies, and adjusting entries for incorrect ledger recordings.
3. Provisions and inventory management: Calculation of doubtful debts provision, inventory valuation adjustments for damaged goods, and determination of purchases when records are incomplete.
4. Partnership capital and profit distribution: Impact of goodwill adjustments on partner capital accounts, calculation of capital contributions by new partners, and proper allocation of profit including adjustments for reserve transfers.
5. Company financial performance and ratios: Calculation of return on capital employed (ROCE), operating expenses to revenue ratio, and effects of rights and bonus issues on financial statements.
6. Costing methods and break-even analysis: Classification of costs (fixed, variable, stepped), FIFO inventory valuation, determination of break-even point, absorption versus marginal costing for special decisions, and calculation of contribution per unit based on budgeted data.

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