Accounting 9706/11 May June 2019 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Accounting concepts and principles: Materiality, matching, prudence, and reasons for providing depreciation on non-current assets.
2. Error detection and correction: Suspense accounts, trial balance discrepancies, and journal adjustments for overcast sales or discounts.
3. Financial statement adjustments: Depreciation calculation, bank reconciliation, inventory valuation, and irrecoverable debts.
4. Partnership accounting and capital changes: Appropriation accounts, profit-sharing adjustments, and impact of revaluation or goodwill on capital accounts.
5. Financial ratios and performance analysis: Return on capital employed (ROCE), trade payables turnover, inventory turnover, and implications for financial management.
6. Costing methods and break-even analysis: Fixed and variable costs, absorption versus marginal costing, contribution margins, and break-even calculations for product lines.
7. Budgeting and financial control: Purpose of budgets in planning, coordination, and cost control, and implications for decision-making processes within a business.

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