Accounting 9706/32 May June 2019 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Manufacturing account preparation: Prime cost determination, work in progress adjustments, indirect wages apportionment, general expenses, and power expense allocations.
2. Statement of financial position analysis: Profit calculation using dividend yield and cover, sales revenue and gross margin assessment, current ratio and working capital computation, and non-current assets valuation.
3. Auditing and financial adjustments: Impairment loss identification, appropriate accounting treatments for assets, revised retained earnings calculation, and corrected financial statement figures.
4. Joint venture profit allocation: Transaction analysis, ledger account preparation for partners, profit share calculation, and evaluation of joint venture continuation considering financial and non-financial factors.
5. Investment appraisal techniques: Net cash flow calculation, payback period, accounting rate of return, net present value, and decision-making based on financial and non-financial criteria.
6. Flexible budgeting and variance analysis: Flexed budget profit calculation, variance reconciliation, reasons for material and labor variances, and assessment of the continued use of flexible budgets.

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