Accounting 9706/11 Oct Nov 2019 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Revenue recognition and asset revaluation: Realisation concept, capital versus revenue reserve impacts, and revaluation effects on asset value.
2. Depreciation and asset disposal: Calculation of profit or loss on asset disposal, depreciation methods, and net book value adjustments.
3. Control account corrections: Adjustments to purchases ledger control account, correcting errors in discounts, payments, debit balances, and contra entries.
4. Financial ratios and profit distribution: Calculations for trade payables, provisions for doubtful debts, retained earnings, and understanding the impact of financial ratios like operating expenses to revenue.
5. Costing methods and profitability analysis: AVCO inventory valuation, impact of inventory changes on costing methods, and break-even analysis considering changes in unit selling price.
6. Budgeting and cost control: Analysis of budgeting practices, impact of performance-based budgeting, and implications of carrying forward previous costs in budget preparation.

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