Accounting 9706/32 Oct Nov 2019 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Non-current assets valuation and financial position: Cost, accumulated depreciation, net book value, inventory adjustments, and financial statement preparation.
2. Error impact on financial performance: Consignment errors, profit adjustments, commission and duties implications, and consignment account accuracy.
3. Goodwill valuation and partnership formation: Merging businesses, goodwill calculation, capital contributions, profit-sharing, and partnership financial evaluation.
4. Cash flow statement preparation: Non-current assets schedule, equity changes, and cash flow preparation in line with IAS 7, including reasons for non-disclosure of asset revaluation.
5. Product costing and pricing strategies: Unit production cost, selling price calculation using traditional and ABC methods, and impact of overhead allocation changes on financial decisions.
6. Budgeting for seasonal demand and variances: Production and purchase budgets, inventory management, cost changes, departmental budget preparation, and advantages/disadvantages of flexible budgeting.

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