Mathematics (A) 4MA1/2FR May Jun 2018 | Edexcel International GCSE Past Papers With Mark Scheme
International GCSE
Mathematics A (4MA1)
2. Geometry and Measurement: Identifying 3D shapes, calculating angles in polygons, using the Pythagorean theorem, and working with areas of complex shapes.
3. Algebra and Equations: Expanding and factorizing expressions, solving linear equations, working with sequences, and manipulating formulas.
4. Data Handling and Probability: Interpreting pictograms, completing frequency tables, calculating median and mode, and probability of events using Venn diagrams.
5. Graphs and Transformations: Plotting linear equations, translating and reflecting shapes, and describing transformations.
6. Finance and Applications: Solving compound interest problems, calculating currency conversions, finding profit from sales, and determining percentage increases.
معلم موافق رایگان بودن است.
1. Number Operations and Fractions: Arranging digits to form specific numbers, converting fractions to decimals, ordering decimals, and sum of mixed fractions and decimals.2. Geometry and Measurement: Identifying 3D shapes, calculating angles in polygons, using the Pythagorean theorem, and working with areas of complex shapes.
3. Algebra and Equations: Expanding and factorizing expressions, solving linear equations, working with sequences, and manipulating formulas.
4. Data Handling and Probability: Interpreting pictograms, completing frequency tables, calculating median and mode, and probability of events using Venn diagrams.
5. Graphs and Transformations: Plotting linear equations, translating and reflecting shapes, and describing transformations.
6. Finance and Applications: Solving compound interest problems, calculating currency conversions, finding profit from sales, and determining percentage increases.
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