Chemistry 4CH1/2C May Jun 2019 | Edexcel International GCSE Past Papers With Mark Scheme
International GCSE
Chemistry (4CH1)
2. Bonding and Chemical Reactions: Ionic and covalent bonding, electron dot structures, balancing chemical equations, reactivity series, and displacement reactions.
3. Acids, Bases, and Salts: pH scale, neutralization reactions, titration calculations, solubility of salts, and formation of insoluble precipitates.
4. Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbons: Structure of alkanes, alkenes, and alcohols, polymerization, combustion reactions, cracking of hydrocarbons, and fermentation of ethanol.
5. Chemical Energetics and Equilibrium: Exothermic vs. endothermic reactions, bond energy calculations, enthalpy change, dynamic equilibrium, and Le Chatelier’s principle.
6. Environmental Chemistry and Industrial Applications: Catalytic converters, production of nitrogen oxides, electrolysis of solutions, corrosion of metals, and methods for preventing rusting.
معلم موافق رایگان بودن است.
1. Atomic Structure and Periodic Trends: Identifying subatomic particles, isotopes, calculating relative atomic mass, trends in halogens, and periodic table organization.2. Bonding and Chemical Reactions: Ionic and covalent bonding, electron dot structures, balancing chemical equations, reactivity series, and displacement reactions.
3. Acids, Bases, and Salts: pH scale, neutralization reactions, titration calculations, solubility of salts, and formation of insoluble precipitates.
4. Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbons: Structure of alkanes, alkenes, and alcohols, polymerization, combustion reactions, cracking of hydrocarbons, and fermentation of ethanol.
5. Chemical Energetics and Equilibrium: Exothermic vs. endothermic reactions, bond energy calculations, enthalpy change, dynamic equilibrium, and Le Chatelier’s principle.
6. Environmental Chemistry and Industrial Applications: Catalytic converters, production of nitrogen oxides, electrolysis of solutions, corrosion of metals, and methods for preventing rusting.
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