Chemistry 4CH1/1C May Jun 2022 | Edexcel International GCSE Past Papers With Mark Scheme
International GCSE
Chemistry (4CH1)
2. States of Matter and Separation Techniques: Changes of state, solubility, methods for separating mixtures, crystallization, and filtration.
3. Chemical Reactions and Equations: Balancing equations, displacement reactions, redox reactions, reaction rates, and experimental setup for reaction monitoring.
4. Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbons: Fractional distillation of crude oil, properties of alkanes and alkenes, cracking of hydrocarbons, and reactions with bromine water.
5. Electrolysis and Conductivity: Conductivity in different states, electrolysis of molten and aqueous compounds, ion movement, and half-equations.
6. Environmental Chemistry and Industrial Applications: Sulfur impurities in fuels, acid rain formation, catalysts in industry, nitrogen cycle, and fertilizer advantages and disadvantages.
معلم موافق رایگان بودن است.
1. Atomic Structure and Bonding: Electronic configuration, atomic and mass numbers, isotopes, ionic and covalent bonding, dot-and-cross diagrams.2. States of Matter and Separation Techniques: Changes of state, solubility, methods for separating mixtures, crystallization, and filtration.
3. Chemical Reactions and Equations: Balancing equations, displacement reactions, redox reactions, reaction rates, and experimental setup for reaction monitoring.
4. Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbons: Fractional distillation of crude oil, properties of alkanes and alkenes, cracking of hydrocarbons, and reactions with bromine water.
5. Electrolysis and Conductivity: Conductivity in different states, electrolysis of molten and aqueous compounds, ion movement, and half-equations.
6. Environmental Chemistry and Industrial Applications: Sulfur impurities in fuels, acid rain formation, catalysts in industry, nitrogen cycle, and fertilizer advantages and disadvantages.
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