Physics 4PH1/2P January 2022 | Edexcel IGCSE Past Papers With Mark Scheme
International GCSE
Physics (4PH1)
2. Energy and Work Done: Kinetic and potential energy, efficiency, power calculations, and work done against friction.
3. Waves and Optics: Properties of sound waves, oscilloscopes and frequency calculations, electromagnetic spectrum, and refraction of light.
4. Electricity and Circuits: Ohm’s law, resistance in series and parallel circuits, power and energy transfer in electrical systems.
5. Magnetism and Electromagnetism: Electromagnets, factors affecting magnetic field strength, motor effect, and transformer applications.
6. Radioactivity and Space Physics: Nuclear fusion, red-shift and the Big Bang theory, pressure-volume relationships, and satellite motion.
معلم موافق رایگان بودن است.
1. Forces and Motion: Newton’s second law, momentum calculations, force and impact time in car crashes, and safety features like airbags.2. Energy and Work Done: Kinetic and potential energy, efficiency, power calculations, and work done against friction.
3. Waves and Optics: Properties of sound waves, oscilloscopes and frequency calculations, electromagnetic spectrum, and refraction of light.
4. Electricity and Circuits: Ohm’s law, resistance in series and parallel circuits, power and energy transfer in electrical systems.
5. Magnetism and Electromagnetism: Electromagnets, factors affecting magnetic field strength, motor effect, and transformer applications.
6. Radioactivity and Space Physics: Nuclear fusion, red-shift and the Big Bang theory, pressure-volume relationships, and satellite motion.

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تعداد صفحات فایل : 24
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