Biology (A) 9BN0/01 May June 2018 | Edexcel A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
A Level
Biology A (9BN0)
2. Forensic Biology and Decomposition: Estimating time of death using blowfly maggot growth, temperature-dependent development rates, and the role of decomposers in the carbon cycle.
3. Immunity and Disease Response: Role of antibodies in neonatal immunity, inflammation mechanisms, and the effect of interferon on viral infections like influenza.
4. Genetics and Protein Synthesis: Function of the leptin gene, role of tRNA in protein synthesis, frameshift mutations and their impact on primary protein structure.
5. Reproductive Biology and Environmental Effects: Effects of cigarette smoke exposure on sperm motility, zona pellucida penetration, and spermatogenesis through mitosis and meiosis.
6. Infectious Disease and Antibiotics: Effectiveness of different antibiotic treatments for tuberculosis, bacterial ribosome structure, and the evolution of antibiotic resistance.
معلم موافق رایگان بودن است.
1. Cardiovascular Disease and Magnesium Intake: Correlation between dietary magnesium intake and relative risk of cardiovascular disease, impact on LDL/HDL ratio, and implications for atherosclerosis.2. Forensic Biology and Decomposition: Estimating time of death using blowfly maggot growth, temperature-dependent development rates, and the role of decomposers in the carbon cycle.
3. Immunity and Disease Response: Role of antibodies in neonatal immunity, inflammation mechanisms, and the effect of interferon on viral infections like influenza.
4. Genetics and Protein Synthesis: Function of the leptin gene, role of tRNA in protein synthesis, frameshift mutations and their impact on primary protein structure.
5. Reproductive Biology and Environmental Effects: Effects of cigarette smoke exposure on sperm motility, zona pellucida penetration, and spermatogenesis through mitosis and meiosis.
6. Infectious Disease and Antibiotics: Effectiveness of different antibiotic treatments for tuberculosis, bacterial ribosome structure, and the evolution of antibiotic resistance.

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تعداد صفحات فایل : 38
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