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Biology (A) 9BN0/02 May June 2022 | Edexcel A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme

Edexcel A Level Biology A (9BN0) Jun 2022

معلم موافق رایگان بودن است.

1. Cardiovascular and Circulatory System: Functioning of atrioventricular valves, differences between pulmonary vein and artery, role of platelets in clot formation.

2. Brain Function and Imaging: fMRI scan brightness interpretation, PET-CT scan advantages in cancer diagnosis, neuron action potential and hyperpolarization.

3. Exercise and Physiology: Effect of high-density lipoproteins on fertility, impact of environmental conditions on core body temperature, influence of exercise on immune system.

4. Cellular and Molecular Biology: Stem cell differentiation into red blood cells, Golgi apparatus and rER membrane distribution in different organs, effect of alcohol on cell membranes.

5. Neuroscience and Muscular System: Neurotransmitter transmission across synapses, synaptic interactions in neuromuscular junctions, pupil dilation mechanism.

6. Respiratory System and Adaptations: Spirometry in measuring lung function, adaptations to high altitude, effect of oxygen availability on breathing rate.

باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.

 Biology (A) 9BN0/02 May June  2022 | Edexcel  A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
پیش نمایش صفحه اول فایل
تعداد صفحات فایل : 28

باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.

نوع آزمون : Edexcel Paper 2
بازدید : 3
ثبت شده در 1403/12/18