Biology (A) 9BN0/01 May June 2023 | Edexcel A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
A Level
Biology A (9BN0)
2. Biodiversity and Environmental Impact: Measuring biodiversity in different pond ecosystems, effects of pollutants on species diversity, and calculation of the index of diversity.
3. Genetics and Cell Division: Structure and replication of DNA, semi-conservative replication, mitosis observation in plant tissues, and role of chromosomal organization.
4. Seed Banks and Medicinal Plants: Conservation of endangered species through seed banking, drug development from plants, and phases of clinical trials for new medicines.
5. Respiratory Adaptations and Evolution: Myoglobin function in diving shrews, natural selection leading to physiological changes, and gene mutations affecting protein structure.
6. Antibiotic Resistance and Infection Control: Mechanisms of bacterial resistance, effectiveness of bactericidal vs. bacteriostatic antibiotics, and strategies to prevent antibiotic-resistant infections.
معلم موافق رایگان بودن است.
1. Evolution and DNA Analysis: Use of PCR and gel electrophoresis to analyze Homo species DNA, determining genetic relationships between Homo longi and other species.2. Biodiversity and Environmental Impact: Measuring biodiversity in different pond ecosystems, effects of pollutants on species diversity, and calculation of the index of diversity.
3. Genetics and Cell Division: Structure and replication of DNA, semi-conservative replication, mitosis observation in plant tissues, and role of chromosomal organization.
4. Seed Banks and Medicinal Plants: Conservation of endangered species through seed banking, drug development from plants, and phases of clinical trials for new medicines.
5. Respiratory Adaptations and Evolution: Myoglobin function in diving shrews, natural selection leading to physiological changes, and gene mutations affecting protein structure.
6. Antibiotic Resistance and Infection Control: Mechanisms of bacterial resistance, effectiveness of bactericidal vs. bacteriostatic antibiotics, and strategies to prevent antibiotic-resistant infections.

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تعداد صفحات فایل : 32
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