Physics 8PH0/02 May June 2019 | Edexcel AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
AS Level
Physics (8PH0)
2. Wave Interference and Diffraction – Analyzing the formation of bright and dark fringes in a double-slit experiment.
3. Photoelectric Effect and Energy Calculations – Using Einstein’s equation to calculate the maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons.
4. Resonance and Stationary Waves – Explaining how the length of a vibrating string relates to its fundamental frequency.
5. Hooke’s Law and Elastic Potential Energy – Calculating the work done on an elastic material based on its force-extension graph.
6. Gravitational Potential Energy and Motion – Evaluating the energy transformations involved when an object moves under gravity.
معلم موافق رایگان بودن است.
1. Young’s Modulus and Material Properties – Determining the Young’s modulus of a material using stress-strain relationships.2. Wave Interference and Diffraction – Analyzing the formation of bright and dark fringes in a double-slit experiment.
3. Photoelectric Effect and Energy Calculations – Using Einstein’s equation to calculate the maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons.
4. Resonance and Stationary Waves – Explaining how the length of a vibrating string relates to its fundamental frequency.
5. Hooke’s Law and Elastic Potential Energy – Calculating the work done on an elastic material based on its force-extension graph.
6. Gravitational Potential Energy and Motion – Evaluating the energy transformations involved when an object moves under gravity.

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تعداد صفحات فایل : 28
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