Biology 9700/02 May June 2003 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
E1. Mitotic stages: ordering phases from diagrams, DNA replication during interphase, and mitosis' role in multicellular growth.
2. Disease characteristics: classification of emphysema, tuberculosis, obesity, rickets, and smallpox based on vaccination, malnutrition, and tissue degeneration.
3. Plasma cell function: antibody production during immune responses, transcription, and translation processes localized to specific organelles.
4. Water and sucrose transport: xylem in roots and phloem in stems, vascular bundle arrangement for structural support, and water movement from soil to leaves.
5. Haemoglobin: quaternary structure with haem groups for oxygen binding, myoglobin's role in muscle oxygen storage, and dissociation curve shifts with increased CO\\(_2\\).
6. Drug effects: classification of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and heroin based on physiological impacts, drug tolerance mechanisms, and enzyme inhibition by non-competitive inhibitors.

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