Biology 9700/04 May June 2003 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Palisade cell structure: arrangement in tightly packed layers for optimal light capture; chloroplast orientation and large vacuole for photosynthesis efficiency.
2. Thylakoid membranes: role in light-dependent photosynthesis, ATP synthesis via photophosphorylation, and electron transport chain functionality.
3. ATP in cellular processes: examples include active transport and muscle contraction; production via substrate-level and oxidative phosphorylation.
4. Synaptic transmission: calcium ions trigger neurotransmitter release, vesicle fusion with the presynaptic membrane, and signal propagation across the synaptic cleft.
5. Meiosis: identification of prophase I or metaphase I; recombination and independent assortment generating genetic variation.
6. Phenotype vs. genotype: observable traits vs. genetic composition; artificial selection focusing on human-driven trait selection contrasting with natural evolutionary processes.

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