Biology 9700/01 Oct Nov 2003 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Cell membrane processes: active transport, diffusion, osmosis, endocytosis, and exocytosis roles in cellular exchange.
2. Phospholipid bilayer structure: glycoprotein and embedded proteins, adaptations for selective transport, and membrane integrity.
3. Protein denaturation: primary structure stability under urea treatment, and glycogen vs. starch branching differences.
4. Enzyme kinetics: active sites in sucrase, hydrolysis reaction mechanisms, and effect of substrate concentration on reaction rates.
5. Hemoglobin oxygen binding: reversible oxidation of iron, DNA base pairing stability, and RNA stop codons in translation.
6. Respiratory and circulatory adaptations: oxygen affinity in fetal vs. adult hemoglobin, xylem water potential gradients, and phloem transport efficiency.
7. Immune response dynamics: antibody production specificity, primary and secondary immune responses, and vaccination effectiveness.
8. Ecosystem energy flow: decomposer roles, denitrification processes in nitrogen cycles, and population definitions in ecology.

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