Biology 9700/05 May June 2004 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Yeast-alginate beads experiment: hydrogen peroxide decomposition observed through bead buoyancy changes, effect of H\\(_2\\)O\\(_2\\) concentration, and catalase activity explanation.
2. Measurement and analysis: recording bead rise times in varying hydrogen peroxide molarities, calculating mean values, and identifying reaction rate trends.
3. Safety precautions: handling corrosive substances like hydrogen peroxide, minimizing contact, and maintaining controlled conditions during the experiment.
4. Experimental design for temperature effects: planning controlled decomposition rate tests of hydrogen peroxide with yeast catalase, using varying temperatures and reaction time measurements.
5. Plant tissue analysis: plan diagram of a dicotyledonous plant transverse section, high-power drawings distinguishing water-conducting and storage tissues, and tissue part identification.

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