Biology 9700/02 May June 2005 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. DNA replication: semi-conservative mechanisms explained by complementary base pairing; importance of accuracy to prevent mutations.
2. Transverse leaf section labeled with xylem, phloem, and mesophyll cells; water movement from vascular tissue to atmosphere via water potential gradient.
3. Hemoglobin's quaternary structure facilitates oxygen binding in lungs; CO₂-induced oxygen release explained by Bohr effect.
4. Collagen synthesis: polypeptide formation, secretion, and extracellular fiber assembly; enzyme specificity for peptide bond hydrolysis.
5. Energy transfer inefficiency in ecosystems: low producer-to-consumer energy conversion; nitrogen cycling from proteins to plant-available forms.
6. Blood, tissue fluid, and lymph comparison; cardiovascular effects of nicotine, including increased heart rate and blood pressure.
7. Smoking and lung cancer correlation: male prevalence in high-smoking populations; regional variations linked to smoking intensity and lifestyle.

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