Biology 9700/05 May June 2005 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Light-dependent photosynthesis investigation: DCPIP reduction to track electron transport, impact of light exposure on dye color change, and control variables like temperature and buffer use.
2. Photosynthesis buffer components: sucrose preventing osmotic shock, maintaining cell structure integrity, and pH stabilization for optimal enzyme activity.
3. Human blood composition: red-to-white blood cell ratio determination, structural drawings of erythrocytes, phagocytes, and lymphocytes, and diameter measurement for cellular comparisons.
4. Experimental reliability improvements: replicates for DCPIP reduction rate, consistent light intensity for photosynthesis, and accurate timing mechanisms to enhance result precision.
5. Application of ice-cold solutions: enzyme activity control to prevent premature reaction rates and maintain experimental consistency.

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